Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our Newest Family Addition

No we are not pregnant despite the message lots of people got from both Ryan and my facebook status---we got a puppy!!! Her name is Nana, she's named after the Newfoundland on Peter Pan and she is such a sweet dog. We wanted to wait to get a dog until we got a house and Ry found a breeder in Nampa that just had a litter of Newfoundlands and we decided to get one. We were second in line to choose which one we got and lucky for us we got the one we wanted! Newfies are the sweetest, most laid back, best family and kid dog you could own. Cooper is already in love with her and she is very fond of her little Coop.

Hanging out together outside and loving it!!!
Nana is always thirsty, she's got the softest, thickest fur, she's going to LOVE winter.
Isn't that face adorable?! She's doing great with her crate training and listens well, she starts puppy kindergarten next week.

Her paws are gigantic!!! Her dad weighs 180 pounds and her mom was 150 pounds, so she's going to be a BIG girl!

With the early onset of this nice weather we have been able to golf a bit. We went to the driving range with our friends, the Hales. Coop thought it was hilarious to feed Ry the golf balls, Coop's obsession with balls has only increased the past few weeks and months.

He must think his stroller is quite delicious...

Coop, Ash, Jackson, and Kolty...all best buddies, they are the sweetest, we're lucky to have them so close so our kids can grow up together, and we love their parents too, which is always a plus.


The Thelins said...

YAY!!!! I'm so excited for you.

Nic and Lauren said...

Cannot believe how big Nana has gotten in just the last few weeks! She is so cute! Love the pics of the kids all together! Love you guys!