Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cooper's Special Day

Coop's blessing day was so special and beautiful!!! He was so happy when he woke up (this is normal for him,) he ate breakfast and then we got him dressed in his cute blessing outfit, (which coincidently was named Archie), and then we headed to church. There were five baby blessings that day!! We were second in line, and Ry gave Coop an amazing blessing and it was SO special to hear and feel the spirit there. I got up to bear my testimony, and tried really hard not to cry, I failed... but it really was a perfect day! After the blessing and sacrament meeting we headed out to Gammie and Grampie's for a little luncheon with family and friends.
 Ry helping getting our little man ready...
 Finishing getting Coop ready, he's such an angel!!!
 My cute, sweet little bug, isn't he adorable?!!
 Four generation pic with my Dad's Dad, (Great-Gpa Clint), Gampie, Mommy and Cooper.
 Coop's friend, Maddux, who was born 3 days after him and his Mom Lyndsey.
 Coop and his proud Daddy, aren't they precious?!
 Family hanging out in the front yard enjoying the perfect weather on this perfect day!
 Four generation picture with Great Grandma Miller!
 Worn out after his big day...
Very worn out...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

These past couple weeks have flown by and we have been SUPER busy!! Ry's sister went through the Idaho Falls temple two weeks ago. Luckily, my parents could ride up with Ry and I to watch Coop and walk around the river while we went through the session. We haven't been to the temple forever, so it was so great to go and be there for Ashley. Afterwards we went to Johnny Carino's with Ry's parents, and Caz, his parents and my parents; I was completely famished (I swear I am more hungry nursing than I was pregnant,) so I thoroughly enjoyed that delicious dinner!
 Can you see the resemblence?
 Watch out world this little girl just turned the big 16!!! We had a surprise birthday party for her and her bestfriend, Courtney, on July 25th and a family party on her actual birthday. I can't believe that she is already 16 and you know the boys have been lining up to go on dates with her. Her first official date was the day of her birthday and she went horseback riding, so cute!
 Yes my little angel bug turned 5 weeks...he's growing up so fast I can hardly stand it!!!
 I absolutley love snuggling with Coop and I especially love when he falls asleep on my shoulder and just melts into my body, he fits perfectly!!
 Coop loves his Daddy's black and white hat and Daddy loves talking to his little babe, aren't they the cutest thing you've ever seen!?
 Gah... he turned 6 weeks, growing like a weed!!!
 Ashley, my sister inlaw, got married this past Friday, August 5th, in the Idaho Falls temple. It was a gorgeous day and Ash and Caz were so happy!
 My cute boys in their matching ties, ah they melt my heart!!!
 Happy Family
The happy couple, congrats you two we're so happy for you!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Three Years...

July 31st 2008
I can't believe three years have already flown by since I married my bestfriend and love of my life!!! So much had happened in these short three years that we've been married. We have had the best three years ever and I am looking more to millions more together! I am so grateful that we were sealed for time and all eternity, it means even more now that we have our little Cooper addition. Since our anniversary was on a Sunday this year, (and we have thousands we owe in hospital bills,) we decided to just have a low-key, relaxing day together. Ry grilled Saturday night and we ate out in our backyard and enjoyed the nice weather, he made me breakfast Sunday morning, (steak breakfast burritos---yum) and we spent the day together relaxing and just being together.
 I can't imagine my life without my boys, I love them to pieces!!! Happy three year anniversary... here's to many more!!!