October wouldn't be complete with out dressing up for hip hop; which is usually Thriller, but this year was a Monster dance, equally fun!!!
We had our 4th annual Halloween party, and I was really bad at taking pictures this year! The spread included tombstone cheesball and crackers, salted carmel and chocolate creme cupcakes, brain jello (of course,) veggies and dip, mummy bread, "ghoulamoli" and chips, spinach artichoke dip with homemade crusty bread, hot cider, and apple witches brew.
Cooper was getting super tired by the time everyone arrived and he did not love his Yoda ears. Our friends Whitney and Brian brought there darling boy, Hazen, who is a couple weeks younger than Coop, he was their monkey and they were bunches of grapes, so clever, I really wish I had a pic!!!
We were Luke Skywalker, Yoda and Princess Leia (if that wasn't obvious). My parents came and got Coop right after the party started so he could get some sleep.
Tied for best costume was Mickenzie and Brett, "bun in the oven and and bun maker"...this is how they announced their new addition, how cute!!!
Also tied for best costume, Nic and Lauren, as mimes, so funny!!!
Our winners of the Newlywed Game, Whitney and Dustin, mustard and hotdog...so fun!
Lyndsey and Justin as 80's workout buddies, and not pictured, are Trevor and Angie as Boise State fans. We had WAY too much fun playing the Newlywed Game and we didn't make it to our other two games, Ghosts and Goblins and Celebrity. As always, we had some heated arguments on some answers but it really made for a fun night! Thanks everyone for coming and dressing up, until next year!!!