Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"In God We Trust..."

I am thoroughly disgusted and dismayed that the new dollar coin does not include the phrase "in God we trust" anywhere on it. I can just imagine our four-fathers are probably turning over in their grave just as sick as can be. Our country, freedom, constitution, and just about everything that molded this beautiful country was done by God fearing people. So i am going to do all i can to reject these coins and the underlying message they carry... if i am given change and this happens to be with the change i will ask for a dollar bill, this may sound silly but i believe every little bit will count.


Randi said...

ew i didn't know about this! i'll do the same.

Mr. and Mrs. Hillarious said...

Doesn't it say it on the side?

Mr. and Mrs. Hillarious said...

Yeah...I just pulled one of mine out...the reason you don't see it on the front or back is because it's written along the skinny edge all the way around the side. If you see one, you'll see what I mean. Way to stand up for the phrase, though. :)

Randi said...

sweet so they put it on the part that gets rubbed off...

hillary is so knowledgeable!

Ashleigh said...

i also got an email about this, but then another friend emailed me saying that it is actually on the side.