Thursday, August 30, 2012

One Year Pics and Love Letters

My little Angel Bug,

Happy birthday Cooper doll, my big one year old!!! I cannot believe a year has gone by since the first time I got to see you as the doctor laid you on my chest. I fell in love with you even before then but it was intensified the instant I got to hold and snuggle you. Although I haven’t forgot the rough pregnancy it was worth every day of throwing up, every day of bad skin, the huge expansion of my nose, and all the other things that went along with being pregnant, it was one hundred percent worth it to have you in my life. You have been such a sweet baby from the day you got here. You truly have the best personality, you are so calm, happy and lovey. I didn’t know I could love so hard and so much you have brought an enormous amount of joy to my life! This past year has been the greatest of my life!!! I couldn’t choose a better job than being your Momma, it really does bring me more joy than I ever would have imagined. I hope that you always keep your sweet spirit with you and remember how much your Dad and I love you and never forget it. You are so smart and you’ve learned so much so fast; I hope you continue your thirst for knowledge and need to satisfy your curiosity, even if it does keep me up later cleaning up after youJ . You always have an inquisitive look in your eyes and are constantly trying to figure out how things work and I just love that about you. You love people and are always smiling and making silly faces at people. People who don’t even know you come up to me and tell me what a sweet, good baby you are. I think you have spoiled me with how good you are, I just pray that your brothers or sisters will be as good as you. Thank you for being such a wonderful little boy, I love you more than you will every know, I pray everyday that I can be the best Momma possible. Happy birthday beautiful boy!!


1 comment:

Randi said...

aww! this makes me so happy and excited :) can't wait to FINALLY meet him soon.