I have no clue where February went, but I feel like I missed it! We had such a busy month and I can't believe March is upon us. Ry and I trade of every year for Valentines, and this year I was in charge. I'm always sad when holidays fall in the middle of the week when Ry has to be at work because I feel like I don't get to celebrate to the full extent as I would like. Ry left for work at his usual 5:30AM, Coop and I slept in until about 6:30, I fed Coop his breakfast and then we made waffles with strawberries and whipped cream to take Ry for his Valentine breakfast. We also had a little Valentine photo shoot with some of the things I had given Ry, (I did the fourteen days of Valentines for him with little treats and cute sayings). After we visited Ry at his work for a bit we came home for Cooper's nap and while Coop napped I packed Ry's bag for Girl's State basketball, because he was leaving the next day. After nap time we made Coop's Valentines for his great-grandparents and grandparents, this turned out to be a bit messier than I had planned. As soon as I put the paint on his feet he started wiggling his chubby toes, reaching for them and moving his foot all over and the hands proved to be even more difficult, I had a death grip on them so he wouldn't have a bright red mouth and face. The Valentines turned out SUPER cute, we delivered all of the Valentines to everyone and then came home to start Valentine dinner, ceasar salad, french bread and chicken alfredo. Ry brought home some flowers for me along with a card from him and one from Coop, SO darling!
I took Ry up to Highland the next afternoon so he could ride the bus up to Boise with the other coaches and the girls. Coop and I headed up Thursday morning for the first game. One of their starters tore her ACL in the first quarter, it was SO sad. They won their first game, lost their last two and ended up taking fourth. While we were in Boise we did a little shopping and had some much needed R and R together.
Ry had surgery last week, the 22nd, to repair is ACL and menisici. I got next to no sleep the night of his surgery, the wind was super bad and I was a little anxious. I had all of Ry's stuff packed and two bags full of things to keep Cooper entertained while we were at the hospital. We checked in at 5:30AM and they took him right back to get started on the pre-op, they shaved his leg, started an IV and got another medical history. Coop and I were able to hang out with him until they wisked him away for surgery. Right before they were taking him back they had me run down to the truck to bring up his CryoCuff so as soon as surgery was finished they could put that on him; one of the nurses said he would hold Coop while I did that, when I got back the room was empty and Coop was just chilling at the nurses station with all the nurses. I was sad that I didn't really get to say bye to Ry before they took him away. I gathered up the four bags of Ry's stuff and Coop's stuff, and Cooper and I waited in the waiting area until we heard from the doctor. The surgery was finished by 8:30AM, Dr. Newhouse came out to visit with me to let me know that the procedure went well, but while he was in there saw that both menisci were completely torn, originally the MRI showed a partial tear of one and complete tear of the other, so since the MRI the partially torn meniscus had finished itself off. He proceded to tell me that he couldn't save Ry's medial meniscus and cut out the entire thing, ouch, but was able to salvage the lateral meniscus with three pins. He gave me the video of his surgery, some images from the surgery, a couple prescriptions and told me Ry was still in recovery and the nurses would come get me in about half an hour so we could go back and see him. An hour and a half went by...no one came to get us, so I went down to eat some breakfast with my Mom and came back and a few minutes after that the nurse came out to talk with me. She had a worried look on her face and told me that Ry wasn't doing too well, that they had to put him back under because they couldn't get his pain under control, she told me I should leave for an hour or two and by then I should be able to go back. I was beginning to get very worried, but decided to get my mind off of it and calm myself down I would take a load to the truck, get his RX's filled, get some groceries and stop at home to make sure everything was ready for Ry. While I was carrying groceries in the nurse from recovery called me and said he was slowly waking up and that I would be able to come back, so we rushed back up to the hospital and went back to recovery with Ry, by this time it was almost noon. Ry was green when we saw him and was not in a good mood, he was still in lots of pain and got nauseous every time he moved. They pumped in full of morphine and gave him percocet to try to help with pain, neither was helping him much. The nurses were wonderful and absolutely adored Cooper. We stayed in the recovery area until about 2:30PM and then the nurse started to give Ry post-op instruction, he was mildly coherent and told the nurse to just talk to me since I would be taking care of him when we got home. We were discharged, and had to take my Mom's car since Ry realized he wouldn't be able to get up into the truck, so I drove my Mom's car and Marcus drove Coop home in the truck.
This past week has been extremely hard, we struggled getting Ry's pain under control. He had the drains removed the day after surgery and had a session of physical therapy which completely drained him. Despite his exhaustion he got a grand total of about 3 hours of sleep in 4 days due to the pain. I was giving him the max dose every 4 hours, keeping ice on and off as instructed, keeping him elevated, literally doing everything right and nothing was helping and none of us, including Coop, were getting any rest. The second night I finally called the on call service at about midnight, but they were unable to get a hold of our doctor and the on call doc said "take RX as prescribed and call back in the morning"...wow, thanks for the help. I really don't know that I have ever been so tired and I felt SO bad for Ry. Dr. Newhouse called us the next morning before they opened apologizing that he missed the calls from the on call service, and asked what we needed. I told him what was going on and he said he would be in that morning if Ry felt up to getting checked, but after PT he still didn't feel like going out, so he said try rotating ibuprofen with the pain meds, even though it's not recommended for ligament healing, he said to try it, so we did and there wasn't much of a change. We have continued with the PT exercises, his CPM machine, R.I.C.E and the pain has yet to subside, so the doctor said for him to cancel his PT for this week and wait until he sees him at his follow up next Tuesday. We finally got to sleep through the night two nights ago and it was the best night's sleep I've had. Ry has started to go back to work for a couple hours this week, which as also been a challenge, trying to fit exercises and ice in, and he is still unable to drive. Mareesa has been awesome and come over so I can have an hour or two of me time while she takes care of the boys.

Cooper'f first Valentines!
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Watching LOTS of basketball together, thank goodness for the Boon spoon and a baby who will watch basketball!
Aw, seriously just adore this little guy!
Daddy tickling Coop in the hotel up at Girls' State...
Soooo sleepy...too much basketball.
Finally hanging out with Dad after a long day at the hospital.
Cooper's newest face (I used to make this face and sound when I was a baby too, must be genetic,) it's hilarious, he sniffs and occasionally makes an "oink" sound, and he knows it's funny!