Monday, November 16, 2009

Vote for your favorite...

My girlfriend, (and amazing hairdresser), Mandi, took our family pictures yesterday. She is just getting into photography and did a great job. They turned out so cute, i am trying to decide which one for our Christmas cards, let us know which you like best!!



Randi said...

Well first of all, you've tainted my decision bc I know which one you like best because you put it as your fb picture. So I would choose that one except I don't know what's happening with Ry's face. So my up and down choice is A because IT IS AMAZING and my horizontal choice is C because it is also amazing. And all pictures look good in sepia but not all pictures look that good in regular color. So I guess my final choice is C bc I like Ryan's smile better. I'll text you every time I change my mind.

Shauna said...

I think E is the best!

The Thelins said...

Hi sister! I love them. So cute! So you can't really go wrong, no matter which you choose. I like C and D. I also LOVE B, and I think the little smirk Ry is doing is super cute. So I would decide if you want Ry to be smiling or smirking, and choose accordingly. If you decide smiling, then just pick the hue that goes best with the actual card (sepia or color. Good luck with your decision!

Holi and TJ said...

LOVE them all!! Good luck picking one. I think my fav is E.

Clayton & Charish Hubbard said...

I vote a or c! Very very cute!

LP & TP said...

C OR D!!
ALL OF THEM ARE DARLING THOUGH!!! (: I misssss You! PLEASE can we get together gym/lunch/movie soon!! Love you!

Trevor and Angie said...

I like D!!! They are all so cute though!

Ashleigh said...

They are all beautiful. You guys always look great in pictures. I would say either C or E

Brittannia, Dan, Jett & London Mechling said...

i think C. is the best!