Saturday, December 14, 2013

December Week 2

Sunday was Dad's birthday; so we went to Gma Miller's for advent, story, and birthday cake for Dad. We also made our gingerbread houses that Gma baked for us while we were up there, Coop LOVED it! We had three basketball games that week which kept us very busy. Lauren and I made a craft together (Nic made it, we painted it) they turned out super cute, it's a Christmas card holder. Thursday was ugly sweater bunco and Friday we left for Salt Lake for Ry's work party, which was SO fun! We met for lunch at the Grand America where Tim gave all the wives a card, in mine thanked me for all the time Ry spends away and for being understanding of his crazy schedule and he mentioned what a great guy Ry is, it was so sweet to hear so many nice things about Ry, in addition to the nice card he gave us all $500 to shop with while the boys had a meeting that afternoon. Angie (Tim's wife) drove us girls  (Angela, Kenny's fiancé and Yolanda, Layne's wife,) to City Creek where we spent close to five hours shopping, we had a great time together and ended our shopping spree with Ruby Snap cookies, which are always to die for. When we got back to the hotel the guys were wrapping up there meeting and we hung out in the lounge for a while and then went back to our rooms to get ready for the evening. We all met down in the lobby to head over to Ruth's Chris for dinner, Kenny and Angela rode over with Ry and I. Our dinner was delicious, and I'm pretty sure we had every course we could, Ry kept stressing about the prices (A, because he does the company finance stuff and B, because the prices really are outrageous) but we were so satisfied by the end, it was totally worth it. We headed back to the hotel that night and just relaxed in the room. The next morning I met Angela at the hotel gym and we worked out together and saw this older guy and kid that looked super familiar but couldn't figure out why. After we showered and got ready we met the other couple minus Tim and Angie who had to get back to their house for a party, for a late breakfast where we saw the old guy from the gym and his nephew, he ended up being the guy off Indiana Jones, John Rhys-Davies, I guess he had a concert that night. After breakfast Ry and I went to the new Hobbit movie over at Gateway.
Coop stayed with my Gma and parents while we were gone, he ended up getting sick with a runny tummy and felt bad that whole day. Ry's parents were coming down for the Christmas concert that Saturday so they brought Coop to us. Ry had a game that night in Bear River, so after Coop's nap, which ended up being a late one I took Coop downstairs where they had a Christmas window walk where they had each window decorated with different little elves, it was SO cute and so magical. At the end they had a giant gingerbread house. After we did that I decided to walk to temple square with Coop since Ry took the truck to his game. I didn't realize how far away we were, I think it ended up being about eight blocks away which ended up being cold and long by the end. But Coop and I had a fun time together. Since Ry wasn't back when we got back and I didn't want to walk anywhere else I ordered room service and Coop and I watched a Christmas movie and had our smorgasbord of a dinner.
Dad opening gifts and reading the Christmas story for that Sunday.

Happy Birthday Boppa~

Making gingerbread houses...

tasting the candy...

Oh so focused.
One of my favorite Young Women leaders, Cheryl Christensen, sent me these beautiful flowers and a very sweet note to check on me, I love her and her husband, they are the sweetest people.
My child loves a little Café Rio.
Bestfriends waiting for a snack.
Our Christmas craft
Christmas Cookies!
A post shopping snack of WAY too many cookies.

A rare day alone with this hunk.
Coop loved the giant tub at the Grand America.
and the comfy bed.
I miss him, even if its only one day!
Looking at all the magical windows.

I had to take a picture of this because it's just insane.

Room service anyone?

Lights on the way to temple square.

He loves the lights.

Me and my little buddy!

Playing in the water, and it was freezing cold, didn't make for a fast walk back to the hotel.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

December Week One

December was a very crazy busy month that flew by in a blink. We did something "Christmasy" every day, even if it was something small, and now I'm wishing I would've kept the list so I could remember everything we did. The first of December was our friends' baby blessing for Cruz (his older brother is four days younger than Coop). The next day poor little Coop was sick so I was pretty much couch bound cuddling him and watching "Muppets Christmas" I won't lie those two things aren't so bad, they're actually two of my favorite things, I was just sad he was sick.
Ry has been very busy with work and basketball, surprise surprise, so my birthday was spent mainly with Coop. Coop and I made my favorite breakfast together, crepes and strawberries and we just kind of laid low most of the day since he wasn't quite 100%. I had a massage before his nap and Ry hung out with him on his lunch break and then we headed home, I let Coop nap and when he woke up we met my Mom for a matinee of Frozen (it was the second or maybe even third time we've gone) we loved it! As soon as that was over we went and grabbed a cake for me at Costco and headed out to Century for Ry's girls game at 6:00PM, it was a good game and if wasn't my birthday I would've stayed for the Varsity game. After the game we did cake and presents at my parents house and Coop seemed to start feeling bad again so I just snuggled him and we called it a night.
Coop was sick for the next couple days after that so he just watched Christmas movies, cuddled me by the fire and ate "crackcruhs and popcorn". Saturday Kaid had a work party that his boss invited us to at the Museum of Clean. On my way down the hill it was dumping snow, it was our first big snow fall of the season, and I almost slid completely into the lake, so I was a little shaken up by the time I got there. Ry got Coop dressed and loaded him in the car for me and when I got to the party saw the Coop had bare feet, icing on my morning. The party was fun, they had food, the kids could play around the museum, and then Santa came and gave a present to each child, which was so nice. When Coop sat on his lap, Santa asked "what would you like Cooper" his reply "PRESENTS!" and pointed to the wrapped gifts that were all around, so funny. He fell asleep on the way home and then that afternoon we went to festival of the trees where my Dad was Santa. We looked around at the trees and gingerbread houses and Coop would have spent all night there if they would have stayed open. After Festival of the Trees we went over to Highland for Ry's game against Mountain Crest.
Sick snuggles and Muppets Christmas
Birthday breakfast with my little man.


Happy Birthday to me...

Highland vs. Century game, birthday night.
Coop and Santa (Boppa)

The Fam

All I want for Christmas...

Trying to restrain himself from touching all the candies.

"Ooo Mom, look at dis"

Looking at the trees with my Mom and sissy.

Uncle Kaid's Christmas party, having himself some "soda".

"Presents, I want presents" I don't care what's in them.

His hugging Elmo...

I live in the bleachers, so glad I have an awesome family that comes to sit with me and support Ry.

Oh you know, laying on the dirty bleachers, so gross.
This was the end result of a HUGE fit over not wanting to get out of the bath after he said he did; that ended in him falling asleep in the bath tub.