Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had an amazing Christmas surrounded by family, delicious food, and lots a beautiful snow!! Christmas Eve we had a progressive dinner starting at my parents house for appetizers, then to Wood's for salad and fruit, then to Judy's for drinks, and ending at my grandparents for the main course and yummy desserts and our Danish traditions. Ry surprised me with a new camera that i absolutely LOVE and got tons of use out of Christmas eve and day!!! He gave it to me the day before Christmas Eve and said "you need this present before tomorrow" he was right, i used it a ton!

We finally got a microwave!!! I can't believe we survived that long without one, we have used it almost every day since we got it.

Lizzy loving her Santa outfit.

Poo loved playing in all of the wrapping paper!
Maddie loved all of the love and attention.

Grandpa reading the nativity story..
The nativity actors, they were so cute!

Ry playing with the kids magnetic games, i think he liked it more than they did:-)


Our first Christmas morning together was so fun, Ry set the alarm for WAY too early, but we had a great morning full of lots of great surprises.

The fam surrounding the ottoman talking to Marky, of course my mom recording Marcus' phone call, (yep camera on the phone the entire time). It was sooo fun to hear his cute little voice and to hear he hasn't lost his sense of humor. He is doing so well out there and he is being such a great missionary.

Opening presents at Ry's house...
We needed a new season now that we've finished King of Queens.

Phone call number two, we got to talk to him four times, the last call was the hardest, we could tell he did not want to hang up.

SOOO much snow!!! We LOVED it!
Except the digging out part, my car is horrible in the snow, we had to dig out at least five times.


Randi said...

I love your hair that length, I don't like that you have so much snow and I'm really glad that you got a new camera. Now if you come out for Aubrey's wedding, we can put it to good use!!

Macee said...

Looks like you had a wonderful christmas! I miss you guys! I miss Marcus, I was so sad going through my voicemail the other day when I had one from him, I wanted to call him and hear some funny "marcus adventure!" Cutest family ever though, give everyone loves from us!

Anonymous said...

How did you live without a microwave all this time?! Glad you had a great Christmas! Grandma told me about the snow but I really had no idea about how bad it was until I saw your pictures – yikes! It’s good to hear that Marcus is doing well, I’m sure it’s a little difficult to be away from each other during the holidays.

The Thelins said...

I'm so glad Marky is having fun. And I'm glad you got to talk to him so much. Sad that the call had to end, hilarious that your mom recorded the whole thing with the video camera. She must be missing him so bad. I'm glad you got a camera, and a microwave! Now you can get cancer with the rest of us. Miss you so much.