Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Things that go bump in the night....

You see, if every month were October, i would be totally satisfied for the rest of my life. There is no better holiday that Halloweeny... Last year at this time (the entire month of October, to be exact,) my bestfriend Randi and I dressed up almost every night as dead people to work at the the haunted house at This is the Place park. We had SO much fun scaring people and we were both totally in our element every night.
We only lost our voices from screaming a few times, and we only got called "hot ghosts" until we figured out how to do our makeup so we actually looked dead. We didn't make much money, in fact, we probably only made enough to buy our gas and hot chocolate; but it was TOTALLY worth every second of it, every person who peed their pants (yes i'm not joking), and every adult we made scream like little girls, and yes, it was even fun making the little kids cry. Not that i enjoyed seeing them cry...it was just so great that we were SO scary. We also met some really crazy people... you never realize what kind of people decide to work in a haunted house, working there makes me slightly wary of the people chasing me with chain saws and blow torches in haunted houses.

One of our semi-normal friends...

Randi and her clay headed indian man...

Me and a dead corpse...

The beginning stages...aka 'hot ghost stage'

The final stage: aka: pee your pants and run stage.


Randi said...

Yes!!!!!!!!!! I am literally going to copy this post so just be aware that my own is coming too. But I think you forgot to tell about driving to and from work with our dead make up on and having people on the road look over at us and freak out. You're the best friend ever because no one else in the world would do this with me! Also, sometimes I think we look better dead.

Cameron and Kristen said...

haha I love this post! Seriously, you two were scary!! Let's rewind back to last year so that you and Randi would both be here!

Hope said...

AHaha, I totally remember you telling me about this last year! So, PA school, huh? 'Atta girl! I just got a job at UCLA (see newest post on our blog :) so that's exciting. I'm taking my 2 LAST classes via ind. study and I'll officially graduate in April '09. (I would have graduated in August '08 if I hadn't gotten married!! Haha). The plan is to get my masters in Psychology at some point in the next few years so I can do some integrated counseling. Anyway, nice to hear from ya, girl. I think it's funny we still haven't met each other's husbands! Keep in touch :)

Mr. and Mrs. Hillarious said...

That's pretty awesome, I must admit.

Anonymous said...

hi this is dara..

yess i loved seeing you guys at the haunted house! it was so surreal to be all scared in this creepy old house and then see YOU and RANDI walking up to me dressed as a ghost. and i'll never forget you walked up to me and whispered "i love you" and walked away. hahahah lovvedd it.

Natalie and Tyler said...

So I am a blog stalker and I saw your link on facebook so I thought I'd check it out. Are you living in Pocatello? We are right down the road in Boise. Anyway, hope life is great! And I totally agree... October is the greatest!

The Thelins said...

I remember that! I still think you guys are crazy. That would be the scariest job ever. I still think you're hot ghosts